Welcome To The World Of Chinese Fables To Thrill, Excite and Delight YOU! China, the Land of Magic, Myths, Fables and Legends. Some call it the Land of the Dragon. Most of the Fables and Legends have meanings, and are used as teaching tools. Stories are told while waiting for justice from the Emperor. Sending news can take 6 months to a year.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Chinese Fables For Children And Adults

Do you remember the Children's stories read to you when you were little? Some were exciting and some were scary but they all had something to keep you coming back for more.
China, the Land of Magic, Myths, Fables and Legends. Some call it the Land of the Dragon.
Most of the Fables and legends have a meaning and are used as a teaching tool. Stories are told while waiting for justice from the Emperor. News going up and down would take 6 months to a year.
Well, here are some really delightful Chinese Fables for your enjoyment, whether you're young or old.


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